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Judith Wright Calanthe Award Shortlist


The biggest and most thrilling news I've received in a very long time is that my collection Airplane Baby Banana Blanket is one of the finalists for this year's Judith Wright Calanthe Award. The prestigious prize is the poetry component of the annual Queensland Literary Awards.

When I found out that ABBB was one of only five poetry collections selected from the past year's offerings, I was absolutely overjoyed. I'm not holding my breath for the top spot (to be announced on the 9th of September), but I'm ecstatic to be able to say my weird little chimp poems have been shortlisted for such a prestigious award. That said, I'll gladly let you cross your fingers and toes for me!

You can read the wonderful judges' notes (which made my day/week/month/year) and see the intimidatingly talented fellow shortlisted poets' collections here.


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